This is the second Ride snowboard I have split, and this one went flawless. The 2012/13 Voile kit has some changes; all the composite is now black, the Chinese hooks are also anodized black. The tip and tail connector has an extra glider, dual height climbing wires are now standard, and the p-tex discs are white instead of black.
As far as the split itself, perfect! I did this one different using a tablesaw guide mounted to the binding inserts instead of using a diamond carbide skillsaw with a straight-edge. Very happy with the results! Piece of cake.
I have gone in to great detail, of each step involved of a custom split on an earlier board if you are looking for detailed instructions. This is just an overview.
MDF mounted to existing binding mounts for use as a straight-edge for tablesaw
2012/13 Voile split kit
upclose of binding mount straight edge
Cutting the board
prepping to bevel edges
putting a bevel on the edges
first pass bevel
prepping edges
edges masked for edge seal
drilling base for t-nuts at pilot holes
puck templates taped for center punch
base before drilling
Chinese hooks templates
holes drilled pucks
Flawless holes using a forster bit. Here you can see the carbon array bands.
Chinese hooks seemless
mounting plates to stance
positioning tour risers
pass#2 edge bevel
Hardware mounted and ready for edge seal
completed ready for edge seal
mounting Dynafit & Sparks R&D adapters to existing touring mounts
A friend documenting the split process
Urethane drying in dust-free enclosure – edges sealed.
split completed
finished edges are sealed and p-tex discs mounted. now ready for base grind and structure stone grind.